
Showing posts from January, 2020
Modelling Monday (on Friday) Brakki Barka I’ve wanted to get a Brakki model since my interest in Abyssal Dwarfs started.  His rules are very nice - a moderate beat stick individual (7 attacks, CS3 with vicious!) with good nerve and very inspiring plus dread!  I figured I would slot him in to my list as a support for the faster moving abyssal grotesques as a combo charge with Brakki and a grotesque horde can get some work done. The conversion The conversion was relatively straight forward, I used a GW irongut and juggernaut that I had and cut one on half and the head of the other.  I’m going for a “techno-sorcery” style for my Abyssal Dwarfs, so I like the mechanical style bodies of the juggernaut for the fast moving “cavalry” elements.  The hardest part was cutting the irongut as it’s relatively thick plastic, and taking the gut plate off the model intact for later use. The gut plate and carry bag on the irongut serviced to cover the head gap on the juggern...
THE LIST REVIEW So having the chance to reflect on my first 3 games with the Abyssal Dwarfs and writing the tournament report, I thought I’d have a quick review of my list and share some thoughts on possible future directions. Abyssal grotesques – these guys are worth their weight in gold, an auto include in my list.   High damage output, decent movement couple with regeneration and brutal meant they go work done for me.   Hitting on 4’s is a downside, but they’ve got the damage output to make up for it. Lesser obsidian golems – probably another auto-include for me.   I didn’t have them doing a lot of damage output for the tournament, but the sheer amount of damage they took with Def 6, especially when backed up with the healing ironcaster meant they were a valuable addition to the list. Slave orc hordes – hmmmm, to be honest I’m not too sure on these.   On paper the 19/21 nerve supported by the rallying slave driver made me hope that they would be a ...
SUMMER SLAUGHTER TOURNAMENT REPORT! So I unpacked the Abyssal Dwarfs and headed out for my first games with the army for a 3 game event.  I ended up changing my list back to ny orginial choice (I know, I know) as my printer died and I couldn't print the changed one I wanted! so for summary I ran: Army: Abyssal Dwarfs Points: 2000 Unit Strength: 20 265, Abyssal Grotesque Horde --  Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar 245, Abyssal Grotesque Horde 215, Lesser Obsidian Golem Horde 160, Slave Orc Horde --  Staying Stone 155, Slave Orc Horde 140, Slave Orc Gore Rider Regiment 85, Gargoyle Troop 85, Gargoyle Troop 210, Ba'su'su the Vile 115, Angkor Heavy Mortar 115, Angkor Heavy Mortar 130, Iron-caster --  Surge (8) to replace Fireball --  Bane Chant (2) 80, Slavedriver --  Lute of Insatiable Darkness www.g...
OOPS I did it again....... OK, probably not the latest list change I've done before a tournament (the morning of the event taking that honour!) But I decided to change up my list to fit in the greater obsidian golem at the expense of Ba'su'su and some magic items.  I've also added the Tome of Darkness on to the slave driver to add with surge requirements. My thinking is that I really need to increase the staying power of my battleline with another Def 6 unit, plus, as per the rule of cool, the model I have for my GOG demands I play it! The list has the same number of drops as the old list and 2 increased unit strength for objective reliant scenarios The new list: 260, Abyssal Grotesque Horde --  Sir Jesse's Boots of Striding 245, Abyssal Grotesque Horde 215, Lesser Obsidian Golem Horde 160, Slave Orc Horde --  Staying Stone 160, Slave Orc Horde --  Liliana's Tear 140, Slave Orc Gore Rider Regiment ...
First tournament of 2020 with the Abyssal Dwarfs I've decided to take out the indecision of choosing which army to play for events, by making the pledge to play Abyssal Dwarfs for all events for the year. The first event is comming up and here is the list i'm planning on taking: Abyssal grotesque horde  - potion of the catepillar Abyssal grotesque horde Lesser obsidian golem horde Slave orc horde  - staying stone Slave orc horde Slave orc gore rider regiment Gargoyle troop Gargoyle troop Ba'su'su the vile Angkor heavy mortar Angkor heavy mortar Iron-caster  - Surge (8) to replace fireball  - Bane chant (2) Slave driver  - lute of insatiable darkness my thoughts on the list is to have a supported core with the golems and slave orcs and exploit the speed of the grotesques and gore riders for flanks.  The gargoyles I think will be able to do some work with flanking supported by Ba'su'su. I'm yet to have a game with the Abyssal dwarfs,...